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Body Safety Program

Educational program for Kindergarten through 6th grade that provides children with the knowledge to recognize and avoid abusive situations.

For more information, contact Crystal Guess at

Junior's House CAC provides a body safety program
supported by Erin's Law through a program called the Monique Burr Foundation.
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Child Safety Matters

Child Safety Matters is a comprehensive, evidence-based prevention education program for elementary school students grades K-5. The program teaches students and adults how to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to the four types of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect).

Based on Research:

  • Comprehensive, evidence-based program teaches universal safety rules and strategies following recommendations of poly victimization research
  • Found to be a quality and effective program by four independent research studies
  • Uses active learning strategies and reinforcement materials
  • Age and developmentally appropriate
  • Practical for schools/organizations
  • Easy to implement with just two fun and engaging classroom lessons for elementary students in Kindergarten through 5th grade with lesson times ranging from 35-55 minutes (can be presented in four shorter lessons)
  • Free of cost to schools
  • Uses a standardized curriculum with facilitator scripts and classroom PowerPoint presentations
  • Certified Facilitators are trained prior to implementing program in classrooms via live or online training

Safety Brief: Safe Adults


The 5 Safety Rules

Contact to schedule or more information to Makinley Holland at
Makinley has trained over 4,500 children within the 17th district and would love to continue growing that number.